Spiritual Growth for Mothers Who Have Lost a Child

Butterfly Moms – A Coaching  Group for Mothers

 Making sense of death is not an easy thing to do. When a parent has to come to terms with the death of their child the experience is even more difficult. For parents who must deal with such a loss the experience is life-changing and life-shattering. Learning to pull the remaining parts of yourself together to create a life that is meaningful and inclusive of the life you lost is what Butterfly Moms is all about.

Your loss is a unique experience and while everyone’s particular situation may be different, there are commonalities that come along with the situation of having to bury your child. Some of the commonalities are:

  • Anger, guilt, or depression associated with the loss
  • Feeling flawed or as if you are living completely outside of yourself
  • Night time dreams that are difficult to understand
  • A feeling of being alone and not understood
  • A lack of awareness concerning if and how to move forward in your life
  • Feeling like you could have done more or done something different

Here’s Some of What You Can Expect:

  • A group coaching environment that is limited to 7 women for 7 weeks.
  • A supportive, positive focused, empathetic coaching facilitator who has experienced the loss of a child.
  • A chance to process the loss and grief. A chance to understand the grieving process.
  • To form a unique meaning for your loss that incorporates spirituality, creativity and your unique self.

Would You Like to Join Butterfly Moms?

The Group Selection Process

There will be a 30-minute consultation to determine suitability for the group and level of support required. The goal is to create a group that is similar yet diverse so that all group members can benefit and grow. If you are selected to participate in the 7-week group workshop you will be notified by telephone with the dates and times for meetings. If not selected to participate in the upcoming group session, then you will be scheduled for the next session. In some instances, a counseling referral will be made depending upon the level of support needed. If you or someone you know could benefit from this group workshop then there are two ways to get started.

Getting Started

Register Telephone: To get started call 404-590-1093 to schedule the 30-minute consultation.


Register Online: Be sure to complete the entire registration form so that you can have the 30-minute consultation done as soon as possible. Click Here for Online Registration.

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